Drinking good wine with good food in good company is one of life’s more civilized pleasures
Wine needs its rooms, a real home, where each space assumes specific features, depending on the function it is intended for.
So, after retrieving the old vineyard and buying the two new plots, Ferdinando Biagiotti opened la cosa più bella, the most beautiful thing, the Cellar, bearing the surname and coat of arms of his family and, above all, it encapsulates tradition, values, dreams.
A place where you can best perform production-related activities, combining modern technology with the excellence of the area: wine and hospitality, land and inhabitants, a general good attitude that, if shared, becomes one of the most civilized pleasures of life.
Cantina Biagiotti is open, by reservation, for tastings and small private and business events, for those who believe that a territory is known by savoring its fruits, trampling the soil, meeting what remains of its past and fueling its contemporary history and even more the future one.
Combined with wine, people will taste products from local farm, selected to offer the visitor an all-round experience, genuine and cared for in detail. The culinary proposals will be agreed to meet specific needs and make wonderful the time spent in the Cellar.
During the year there will also be organized openings to the public, which can be consulted below, through the blog and social channels.
Una piccola cantina suddivisa naturalmente in tre stanze.
La prima stanza dove sono stati posizionati i silos in acciaio, dove avviene la fermentazione, la stanza per poter rispettare le norme igienico sanitarie è stata intonacata e rivestita gres porcellanato chiaro.
La seconda stanza è la sede dove il vino si affina nei tonneaux per non meno di 12 mesi, e dopo l’imbottigliamento il vino si riposa e si affina per altri ¾ mesi prima di essere etichettato e proposto al mercato.
La terza stanza si assaggia il vino in compagnia con cibi a Km. 0, il posto dove le fatiche si trasformano in energia e gioia.
Cantina Biagiotti is open, by reservation, for tastings and small private and business events, for those who believe that a territory is known by savoring its fruits, trampling the soil, meeting what remains of its past and fueling its contemporary history and even more the future one.
Combined with wine, people will taste products from local farm, selected to offer the visitor an all-round experience, genuine and cared for in detail. The culinary proposals will be agreed to meet specific needs and make wonderful the time spent in the Cellar.
During the year there will also be organized openings to the public, which can be consulted below, through the blog and social channels.